If you are looking for the look of timber flooring but without the price tag, you may want to consider vinyl planks and laminate flooring. Though similar in nature, both types of flooring have their individual pro’s and con’s. If you would like to know how vinyl planks and laminate flooring compare, check out the rest of this blog.

What are Vinyl Planks?
Made from completely 100% synthetic, vinyl planks allow you to have the look of timber flooring at an affordable price. Surprisingly, there are many options for high-quality vinyl planks for your home. They are easy to install, maintain and come in a variety of colours to suit the aesthetic of your home. It comes in strips or planks for simple installation over the sub floor, making for a renovator’s dream flooring material.
What is Laminate Flooring?
Laminate flooring is made from mainly wood composites compiled into multiple layers. The surface is topped with a transparent resin wear layer. Like vinyl planks, it is simple to install and affordable in pricing. Hence, laminate and vinyl tend to be compared. Though laminate is made out of wood, the patterns and grains are synthesised – meaning that it is more so, an image of timber.
How the two compare in:
Water Resistance
If you need flooring for a water-prone area, vinyl flooring is the perfect option for kitchens and bathrooms due to its water-resistant material. Whereas laminate does not withstand moisture as well and requires a touch more attention than vinyl. In the case that water does affect the laminate, it can cause it to buckle and separate. Although, there are plenty of high quality European made laminate in the market these days that have a waterproof surface. You can ask the staff at Ace Timber Floors and they are happy to show you.
Best option: Vinyl
Though vinyl may have the upper hand in it’s waterproofing, it is not completely resistant to damages. It can with stand heavier impacts and footfall but due to the softer surface, it can tear and rip from pets and young children. If you would like an alternative flooring option that can withstand the small nicks and scratches from pets and children, laminate is ideal. They are both UV resistant and therefore, do not fade from sun damage. If properly installed and retailed at similar price points, both flooring options have similar life spans. However, if the laminate is exposed to large amounts of water, then its life span can be cut short.
Best option for kids & pets: Laminate
Best option without kids & pets: Vinyl
Look & Feel
Both have an artificial wood look, but this is where laminate shines. The photographic layer of laminate flooring can be extremely complex and almost 3D. Therefore, it can mimic timber hardwood to a tee. Not to mention, it has a hard underfoot feel due to its wood composite layer. If you are looking for a softer and quieter option, vinyl is the better choice.
Best option: Laminate
Ask the Experts at Ace Timber Floors
As you can see from the comparison, both vinyl and laminate have their individual pro’s and con’s. Where it differs is respective to your lifestyle and personal taste. If you need tailored advice on which flooring suits your home best, contact Ace Timber Floors. Not only do they have a wide range at competitive prices, but also they are able to provide installation services. Buying flooring for your home has never been simpler!